To Whom it May Concern,

I wanted to write to thank Austin Boxer Rescue for our precious pup – . His “gotcha day” was March 14, and his foster mom was Nikki Valencia.

To say poor Boulder had a rough start is an understatement. When I saw the “before” pictures Nikki posted – well, it was heart breaking (see attached).

Boulder joined our crew and immediate made himself at home. (See family picture of adoption day with two other dogs.) Of course, there were some transition issues, but we expected that and worked through them. The issues were mostly GI issues that were remedied by a change in diet and getting used to waiting to go potty outside (since we don’t have a doggie door). However, he immediately took to the other dogs and even the cat without any issue. In fact, he was so happy – he didn’t know how to get it all out…..enter his “happy spins.” (See video attached – taken his first day in our house). Even now – he will “misfire” with too much happy or excitement and bust out his spins or zooms around the yard for 5 minutes at top speed……it’s joyous fun.

One of the first changes was his name. He morphed from Boulder to Marty Feldman. One look at the eyes (plus his goofy personality) and that was obvious.

He’s a happy dog who brings joy and laughter to all that meet him. (He even brings laughter to those that haven’t met him but think his name is funny.). His best friend, who doesn’t live with us, is another boxer named Bella. They had hours of fun at the beach this summer. (Beach picture attached – I think he’s smiling.) His other best friend is his sister, Heidi, but he’s also kind of jerk and sits on her often (picture attached).

He loves all of his toys but mostly his ball. He’ll play fetch for hours….and we do because he has unending fountains of energy. He’s smart and eager to please, but mostly, he’s just a lovable joy to have in our house. His quirks and silliness seem to be endless and ever changing….newest thing – he likes the smallest bed in the house (see attached). No one understands this….there are two large dogs beds in the same area.

So thank you to all those that worked to save him and for all the efforts you do on behalf of the other boxers you rescue.

Marty Feldman (formerly Boulder)…..well, we can’t imagine life without him.

Thank you!

The Blakes