I remember the first day we met. He was a very handsome animal, but was extremely scared and wouldn’t even...
If you would like to submit a story about a beloved pet, please email Austin Boxer Rescue at infoabrtx@gmail.com
Would you like to honor a friend or cherished pet? You can help Austin Boxer Rescue pay its medical bills by naming one of our future dogs! Click here to learn more about our Name a Boxer program.
Duncan (formerly Country)
Last Friday (July 12, 2013), we said goodbye to our Duncan, formerly Country. When we brought him home my husband...
Tex (formerly Virago)
“This week I said the final goodbye to my best friend, my family and my love-bug. Tex a.k.a. Virago came...
Sweet Davis
In My Good Death by Dalia Shevin I will find myself waist deep in high summer grass. The humming shock...